Below are examples of sponsorship levels through Patreon.
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Becoming an Art Patron....
The last few years have really taken a toll on our creative community. Artists, musicians and performers alike, have all had to figure out how to make ends meet without the government support from which many brick & mortar businesses were able to benefit.
Thankfully, I made it through, not unscathed, but still painting; still at my gallery; still making connections. These blessings are counted every single day, but the pandemic has definitely taken a huge bite out of many of our income streams. And contrary to popular belief, things are not yet even close to life in the "before times".
I know it's difficult, especially in these trying times, to simply drop a couple thousand dollars on a painting. That's not easy for many of us in the best of times. But.... perhaps there was a way you could support a particular artist or begin to collect their work, or invest in their efforts in some small way.
Enter: Patreon
I heard about Patreon from an artist friend and did some good research on it before I made the commitment. Patreon allows you to support your favorite artists in tiny monthly increments, even as little as $1 per month. And believe me when I say that every single dollar counts and is greatly appreciated. Many times, you’ll receive something tangible in return.
By contributing to the arts, you not only allow all of us to continue creating, but you can genuinely call yourself an Art Patron. *martini glass clink*
I've designed a few ways in which you can support my creative efforts without a huge investment and always with something in return from me, in addition to my heartfelt thanks.